Instagram is working on a redesigned story share sheet.

Instagram new Subscriber features for creators
Instagram new Subscriber features for creators

You must have heard about Instagram. This is a very famous platform, people use Instagram to stay connected with each other. Instagram is working on a new feature. The Instagram redesigned story share sheet is in the works. Instagram always alerts its users to new features.

Currently, Story is working on a new user interface for Share Sheet. Today I got you the new redesigned Instagram. I will tell about the story share sheet step by step in complete detail. So you want to know more about it. So read this article carefully and read till the last, only then you will be able to understand.

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Instagram is working on a redesigned Story.

Instagram is making some changes to Story. This redesigned story is in the works on the city sheet. This share sheet will add three options namely Your Story, Close Friends, and Message.

redesigned Story.
redesigned Story. (Image Credit Instagram)

Your Story: You can share any story directly to your Instagram story.

Close Friends: You can share your story with any of your close friends.

Message: You can message any story on your chat.

Later whenever you type on the share option to share your story, you will see three options in the message section namely Your Story, Close Friends, and Message. You can type on the share option beside the chat to share your story with that chat, but you will see the newly redesigned message option. You have to type on the message option and then select the chat with which you want to decorate your story.

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