How to Delete Facebook Watch History on Android, iOS and Web: A Step-by-Step Guide

delete facebook watch history
delete facebook watch history

Keeping your online activities private is important nowadays. One thing many people forget is managing what videos they watch on Facebook. Here we’ll show you why and how to delete your Facebook watch history.

So you have control over your privacy like never before. Let’s learn why and how to do it, making sure your personal choices stay private in the online world.

also read: 6 Easy Steps to Change Your Facebook Page Name in 2024


How to Delete Your Facebook Watch History

Your Facebook video history can be deleted on any device by accessing the Activity log. Follow these steps to clear your watch history on both the Android app and the website.

Deleting on Android

  1. Open the Facebook app and go to your profile.
  2. Tap the three-dot icon to access your profile menu.
  3. Select “Activity log” and find “Videos watched” by sliding left.
  4. Tap “Clear video watch history” and confirm your action.

Deleting on the Web

  1. Visit and open your profile.
  2. Click the three-dot icon, then select “Activity log.”
  3. Choose “Videos you’ve watched” to see the list.
  4. Click “Clear Video Watch History” to delete your watch history.

Clearing Live Video History

To clear your Live video history on the web:

  1. Go to Profile > Three-dot icon > Activity log.
  2. Click on “Videos you’ve watched” and select “Live videos.”
  3. Clear any live videos you find in the sidebar.

Why You Should Delete Your Facebook Watch History

Your Facebook watch history holds more than just a record of your watched videos. It unveils your interests, preferences, habits, and opinions. This information is readily available to anyone checking your watch history on your device.

Additionally, Facebook’s algorithm may use your watch history to suggest videos. Clearing it ensures that you don’t receive recommendations based on videos that don’t align with your interests.

If you’re torn between clearing or keeping your history, consider using the “Save video” feature for reference without affecting your watch history.

Wind Up

Ultimately, Now you know why and how you can delete your Facebook watch history depending on your needs. If privacy and control matter most, clearing your history is a practical step.

If you value relevant recommendations and easy access to past videos, keeping your history might be beneficial. Now control over your Facebook privacy like never before by deleting watch history.



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