How to Edit Sent Messages on Instagram Like a Pro – Your Ultimate Guide!

Edit Sent Messages on Instagram
Edit Sent Messages on Instagram

In the world of messaging apps, the ability to edit sent messages has become a coveted feature on Instagram. Like iMessage, Telegram, and WhatsApp, Instagram has also stepped up its game by introducing this functionality.

Here with this guide, we will talk you through the process of editing sent messages on Instagram, making communication smoother and error-free.

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How to Edit Already Sent Messages on Instagram

The recent rollout of the edit option for Instagram DMs has streamlined the process of correcting typos or revising messages. Here’s a simple guide on how to utilize this feature:

1. Accessing the Edit Option

  • Tap on the messenger icon at the Instagram app’s top right corner to access your chats.
  • Navigate to the conversation containing the message you wish to edit.
  • Press and hold the message you want to modify.

2. Making Changes

  • A pop-up menu will appear; choose the “Edit” option.
  • Rewrite the message or make necessary corrections.
  • Tap the send icon to finalise the edited message, displaying an “Edited” tag.

Things to Know When Editing DMs on Instagram

Before diving into editing messages, it’s essential to understand some key aspects of this feature:

  • Visibility of Edits: An “Edited” tag will be displayed above the edited message to notify all users in the chat.
  • Edit Limitations: Users can edit a message up to five times within a 15-minute window.
  • Edit History: The edit history remains private and is not visible to any user.
  • Inclusivity: Messages containing mentions can also be edited without limitations.

Wind Up

The addition of the editing sent messages feature on Instagram enhances the user experience on Instagram, especially for those prone to typographical errors.

As Instagram continues to evolve its direct messaging platform, such improvements contribute to smoother communication.

While the “Edited” tag ensures transparency, it’s also a reminder to double-check before sending messages. As we embrace these updates, let’s anticipate further enhancements to Instagram DMs in the future.

Important FAQs

Q1. Does Instagram Notify a Person When You Edit a Message in Chat?

No, Instagram does not send notifications for message edits. However, an “Edited” tag appears on the edited message.

Q2. Can I Edit a Direct Message on Instagram After It Was Seen?

Yes, you can edit a message even after it’s been seen by the recipient.

Q3. How Many Times Can I Edit a Message on Instagram After It Has Been Sent?

Instagram allows editing a sent message up to five times.

Q4. Can I Edit Direct Messages Sent in a Group Chat on Instagram?

Yes, the edit option is available for both direct messages and group chats.

Q5. How Can I Edit a Sent Message on Instagram Without Letting Others Know?

Edited messages contain a visible “Edited” tag. Alternatively, you can unsend and resend the message before it’s seen to make changes discreetly.




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