How to Use New WhatsApp Chat Lock Feature on Web: A Step-by-Step Guide

WhatsApp Chat Lock on web
WhatsApp Chat Lock on web

WhatsApp, a widely used messaging platform, has always prioritised user safety and security. Recently, users have noticed the testing of a new feature where users can use the WhatsApp Chat lock feature on the web.

This feature, already available on mobile devices, aims to enhance privacy measures for users, especially those who frequently use WhatsApp Web for their conversations.

also read: How to Lock WhatsApp Chats: A Step-by-Step Guide


Ensure Your WhatsApp is Up-to-Date

Before delving into the new feature, it’s crucial to ensure that you’re using the latest version of WhatsApp.

Keeping your app up-to-date is important for accessing new features and security features. You can check for updates either on the official WhatsApp website or through your respective app store.

Once you’ve confirmed that you have the latest version installed, you’re ready to proceed.

Access WhatsApp Web

To use WhatsApp on your computer, you need to access WhatsApp Web. This can be done by opening your preferred web browser and navigating to the official WhatsApp Web page at

Once on the website, you will be prompted to scan a QR code using your WhatsApp mobile app. This QR code serves as a link between your phone and the web version of WhatsApp, allowing you to seamlessly access your messages and conversations on your computer.

Activate Chat Lock

After successfully linking your phone to WhatsApp Web, you can proceed to activate the Chat Lock feature. This can typically be found within the settings menu of WhatsApp Web, usually located under privacy or security settings.

The Chat Lock feature introduces an additional layer of security by allowing you to lock individual chats and store them in a designated folder.

This means that even if someone gains access to your computer, they won’t be able to view your private conversations without first unlocking them.

Establish a Passcode or Biometric Lock

WhatsApp offers various options for securing your chats on the web. You can choose to set a passcode or utilize biometric authentication such as fingerprint or face recognition, depending on your device’s capabilities.

Setting up a passcode or biometric lock adds an extra level of security to your conversations and ensures that only you can access them.

Adjust Timeout Preferences

One of the useful features of Chat Lock is the ability to set a timeout duration, which automatically locks the app after a specified period of inactivity.

This feature strikes a balance between security and convenience, allowing you to customize the timeout settings according to your needs. For example, you can choose to lock the app immediately after closing it or set a longer timeout period for added convenience.

Test the Feature

Once you’ve configured the Chat Lock settings to your preference, it’s essential to test the feature to ensure it functions correctly.

You can do this by closing the WhatsApp Web session and reopening it to see if the Chat Lock activates as intended. Testing the feature ensures that your chats are securely locked and inaccessible to unauthorized users.

Addressing Issues

If you encounter any difficulties or have questions about the Chat Lock feature, WhatsApp provides support documentation and community forums where you can seek guidance.

Additionally, regular updates and bug fixes are common, so staying informed about changes to the app is advisable to ensure optimal performance and security.

Preserving Privacy with Chat Lock

WhatsApp’s commitment to user privacy and security is evident in the continual rollout of new features like Chat Lock on the web version.

By providing users with tools to secure their conversations, WhatsApp ensures that messages remain private and protected, even when accessed through the web interface.

Wind Up

Using the WhatsApp Chat Lock feature on the Web offers users an additional layer of security for their private conversations.

By following the simple steps outlined above, users can easily activate this feature and ensure that their messages remain confidential and inaccessible to unauthorised users.

With WhatsApp’s dedication to enhancing user privacy and security, users can continue to communicate confidently knowing that their conversations are protected.




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