How to Enable or Disable YouTube Comments: Step-By-Step Guide

Enable or Disable YouTube Comments
Enable or Disable YouTube Comments

YouTube comments provide a platform for viewers to engage with content creators and share their thoughts. However, there may be times when you want to turn off or turn on comments for your YouTube videos.

In this article, we will guide you through the process, ensuring you can manage your YouTube comments effectively.

How to Enable or Disable YouTube Comments

YouTube offers a straightforward process for enabling or disabling comments on your videos. Follow these steps to manage your YouTube comments effectively:


Step 1: Sign in to YouTube

First, sign in to your YouTube account using your credentials. This will give you access to your channel and video settings.

Step 2: Go to YouTube Studio

Once signed in, navigate to YouTube Studio. You can access YouTube Studio by clicking on your profile picture in the top-right corner of the screen and selecting “YouTube Studio” from the dropdown menu.

Step 3: Select the Video

In YouTube Studio, locate the video for which you want to enable or disable comments. You can find your videos under the “Content” tab in the left-hand menu. Click on the video you want to manage.

Step 4: Click on “Comments”

Once you’re on the video’s details page, find the “Comments” tab in the left-hand menu. Click on it to access the comment settings for that specific video.

Step 5: Enable or Disable Comments

In the comment settings, you’ll find a toggle switch labeled “Allow Comments.” By default, this switch is enabled, allowing viewers to comment on your video.

To disable comments, simply toggle the switch off. To enable comments, toggle it back on.

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Additional Comment Moderation Tools

Apart from enabling or disabling comments, YouTube also provides various comment moderation tools to help you manage and engage with your audience effectively. These tools include:

  • Comment Filtering: You can automatically hold potentially inappropriate comments for review or block certain keywords.
  • Comment Removal: You can delete individual comments that violate your community guidelines or remove multiple comments at once.
  • Comment Pinning: You can pin important comments to the top of the comment section, highlighting them for other viewers.


Managing YouTube comments is essential to maintain a healthy and engaging community.

Whether you want to encourage discussion or temporarily disable comments, YouTube offers simple tools to help you achieve your goals.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily enable or disable comments and utilize additional moderation features for effective comment management.



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