13 WhatsApp Scams 2024: Safeguarding Your Online Experience

WhatsApp Scams 2024
WhatsApp Scams 2024

In the vast landscape of online communication, WhatsApp stands out as a popular platform connecting friends and family. However, the convenience it offers comes with the caveat of potential scams.

As we step into 2024, it becomes crucial to unravel the intricacies of prevalent WhatsApp scams, understand their nuances, and adopt preventive measures.

This comprehensive guide aims to educate users about 13 common WhatsApp scams in 2024, providing insights into their modus operandi and offering practical tips to stay protected.


also read: Top 8 WhatsApp Text and Font Tricks You Should Try in (2024)

13 WhatsApp Scams 2024: Safeguarding Your Online Experience

  1. Loved One in Need Scams
  2. Gift Card Scams
  3. QR Code Scams
  4. Tech Support Scams
  5. Unauthorized Verification Code Scams
  6. Lottery and Prize Draw Scams
  7. Cryptocurrency Scams
  8. Romance Scams
  9. Call Forwarding Scams
  10. Incorrect Number Scams
  11. WhatsApp Gold Scams
  12. Voucher Scams
  13. Charitable Fraud Scams

1. Loved One in Need Scams

The emotional pull of helping a loved one in distress is a vulnerability scammers exploit.

These fraudsters often masquerade as close family members or friends, manipulating victims into sending money for fabricated emergencies.

To avoid falling prey to such scams, it is essential to exercise caution when receiving messages or calls from unfamiliar numbers.

Always verify the identity of the person by cross-referencing with known details before considering any financial assistance.

2. Gift Card Scams

WhatsApp has become a breeding ground for gift card scams. Victims receive messages claiming to be from legitimate companies, offering gift cards with enticing links.

Clicking these links, however, can lead to malicious websites, installing malware on the device, or extracting sensitive personal information.

To stay safe, users should refrain from clicking on links from unknown numbers and avoid divulging personal details on unverified websites.

3. QR Code Scams

In QR code scams, scammers use social engineering tactics to manipulate users into scanning codes that promise prizes or rewards.

However, this seemingly innocent action may result in the exposure of sensitive information, paving the way for identity theft or unauthorized access to bank accounts.

Vigilance is key: users should never click on unrequested links or scan QR codes from unknown sources and should refrain from sharing personal details online.

4. Tech Support Scams

Tech support scams on WhatsApp involve impostors posing as customer service representatives, attempting to extract sensitive personal information under the guise of securing the user’s account.

Users should be cautious and avoid sharing personal details unless they have initiated contact with WhatsApp customer service.

An unexpected request to verify an account should raise red flags, prompting users to scrutinize the authenticity of such messages.

5. Unauthorized Verification Code Scams

Two-step verification is a security feature designed to protect accounts, but scammers exploit it in unauthorized verification code scams.

The scammer claims to have mistakenly entered the user’s phone number and requests the verification code sent to the user’s device.

Vigilance is crucial; users should never share verification codes with third parties.

If an unexpected account verification message is received, it should be treated as a potential hacking attempt, prompting immediate action to secure the account.

6. Lottery and Prize Draw Scams

WhatsApp has become a hotbed for lottery and prize draw scams. Users receive messages claiming they’ve won a lottery or prize draw, often accompanied by a link to claim the supposed prize.

Clicking on such links can lead to the installation of adware, prompt requests for personal information, or even compromise the device’s security.

Users are advised to treat any message about a lottery or prize draw with skepticism and avoid clicking on suspicious links.

7. Cryptocurrency Scams

The allure of lucrative investment opportunities in cryptocurrency has not escaped WhatsApp scammers.

Victims are promised significant returns on their investments, only to find themselves deceived, with scammers disappearing with their money.

To avoid falling victim to cryptocurrency scams, users should exercise caution and refrain from sending money to unfamiliar contacts. If an investment opportunity sounds too good to be true, it likely is.

8. Romance Scams

Romance scams, often a form of catfishing, involve scammers building romantic relationships with unsuspecting users before exploiting them for money or sensitive personal information.

Users should be cautious when interacting with individuals online, particularly those with suspicious profiles.

Warning signs include reluctance to meet in person or engage in video calls, suggesting a potential scam.

Vigilance and skepticism are essential when navigating romantic interactions online.

9. Call Forwarding Scams

Call forwarding scams begin with an unsolicited phone call, urging the user to call a specific number. Unbeknownst to the user, calling this number enables call forwarding to a new number controlled by the scammer.

During this process, the scammer attempts to sign into the user’s WhatsApp account, initiating a one-time password request.

Users should be suspicious of unsolicited calls from unfamiliar numbers, avoid dialing specific service request numbers, and promptly change their PIN and login settings if hacking is suspected.

10. Incorrect Number Scams

Incorrect number scams involve scammers contacting users, striking up conversations, and using social engineering tactics to persuade them to invest in dubious businesses.

Users should block texts and calls from unfamiliar numbers, avoiding continued interaction with unknown individuals, especially if money is requested.

Maintaining skepticism and setting strict boundaries with unfamiliar contacts is crucial in thwarting such scams.

11. WhatsApp Gold Scams

WhatsApp Gold scams lure users with invitations to an exclusive version of WhatsApp, often delivered via smishing texts.

Clicking on the provided link can lead to a spoofed website or infect the user’s device with malware.

To steer clear of WhatsApp Gold scams, users should resist clicking on unsolicited, suspicious links in WhatsApp or text messages and refrain from sharing personal information on third-party websites.

12. Voucher Scams

Voucher scams entice users with messages containing links to incredible coupons or discount vouchers.

Clicking on these links can lead to the installation of ransomware or other malware, compromising the user’s device.

Users should never follow suspicious links or enter personal information on linked websites.

Ignoring and deleting WhatsApp messages from numbers claiming to be well-known companies, unless initiated by the user, is a proactive measure against voucher scams.

13. Charitable Fraud Scams

Scammers often exploit goodwill by posing as charities and soliciting donations on WhatsApp.

Legitimate charities rarely reach out randomly on messaging platforms.

Users should treat unsolicited requests for money with skepticism, refraining from following unfamiliar links or sharing personal information with unknown contacts.

Verifying the legitimacy of charitable organizations before contributing is a vital step in avoiding charitable fraud scams.

How to Spot a WhatsApp Scam

While WhatsApp scams take diverse forms, they share common characteristics. Recognizing these signs can empower users to identify potential threats.

Common indicators of a WhatsApp scam include unsolicited messages from unknown numbers, messages urging immediate action, spelling and grammatical errors, requests for money or personal information, and messages claiming winnings or prizes.

Users should remain vigilant and skeptical when encountering these red flags.

How to Avoid WhatsApp Scams: 5 Protection Tips

Recognizing the telltale signs of a WhatsApp scam is crucial, but additional steps can enhance online security and protect against scammers. Users are advised to:

  1. Enable Two-Step Verification: Adding an extra layer of security reduces the risk of account hacking.
  2. Avoid Suspicious Links and Attachments: Refrain from clicking on dubious links or downloading suspicious attachments.
  3. Ignore Messages from Unknown Numbers: Blocking and ignoring messages from unknown numbers can prevent further communication.
  4. Strengthen Password Security and WhatsApp PIN: Regularly updating and strengthening passwords enhances account security.
  5. Download Antivirus Software: Investing in powerful antivirus software, such as Norton 360 for Mobile, provides an additional layer of protection against malware, spyware, and other online threats.

Norton 360 for Mobile: A Shield Against Online Threats

As technology evolves, so do the tools to combat online threats.

Norton 360 for Mobile stands out as a powerful solution, combining security and antivirus features to create a robust defense against the dynamic landscape of online scams.

This mobile app not only safeguards against malware and spyware but also offers a built-in VPN to encrypt internet traffic, ensuring a secure online experience.

What to Do If You’re Scammed on WhatsApp

Despite best efforts, scams can still happen. If you receive a WhatsApp message from a scammer or fall victim to a scam, swift action is crucial. Follow these steps:

  1. Block the Scammer: Immediately block the contact to prevent further communication and potential scams.
  2. Change Your Password or PIN: Enhance the security of your WhatsApp account by changing your password or PIN.
  3. Enable Two-Step Verification: If not already enabled, activate two-step verification to add an extra layer of protection.
  4. Report the Scam to WhatsApp: Report the scam directly to WhatsApp to help them take appropriate action against the fraudulent account.
  5. Contact Your Bank or Card Issuer: If financial information is compromised, contact your bank or card issuer to dispute charges and report fraud.

Staying Safe While Chatting Online

In an era where social media, messaging apps, and online interactions are integral to daily life, staying vigilant is paramount.

WhatsApp scams can target anyone, making it essential to equip your phone with a powerful online security tool like Norton 360 for Mobile.

This app not only defends against malware and spyware but also includes a secure VPN to encrypt internet traffic, enhancing overall online safety.

FAQs about WhatsApp Scams

Is WhatsApp Safe?

WhatsApp is generally a safe platform for communication. However, users should be cautious of unsolicited messages from unknown numbers, particularly those requesting personal information or clicking on suspicious links.

How Private is My Personal Information on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp provides end-to-end encryption, ensuring that information shared with another user is secure. However, sharing personal information with scammers can compromise data security.

Why Do I Get Random WhatsApp Messages?

Random WhatsApp messages are often spam sent by bots to randomly generated phone numbers. Users should avoid clicking on any links in these messages and block the sender’s number.

Can I Control Who Sends Me WhatsApp Messages?

While anyone can send a message on WhatsApp, users can block and ignore messages from unknown or suspicious numbers to prevent further contact.

Can a Scammer Hack My Phone Through WhatsApp?

While some WhatsApp scams may compromise accounts or attempt to install malware, such actions typically require user interaction, such as clicking on infected links or sharing verification codes.

Wind Up

As we navigate the digital realm, understanding and safeguarding against WhatsApp scams become crucial elements of our online presence.

This guide has explored 13 prevalent WhatsApp scams in 2024, offering insights into their tactics and practical tips for protection.

By recognizing the signs, adopting preventive measures, and utilizing robust security tools like Norton 360 for Mobile, users can enjoy a safer and more secure online experience.

Remember, vigilance is the key to online safety. Stay informed, stay secure, and continue enjoying the benefits of connecting with loved ones through WhatsApp without falling victim to the pitfalls of online scams.



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